About company
Perm Flour Mills, JSC
— one of the major industry companies in RussiaWide experience, strict adherence to the classic technology, providing high-quality products to customers at affordable prices, solid work at any grain market conjuncture make the base of our company’s success.
Every year authority and recognition of the Perm flour are confirmed with prestigious awards of international, industry, local quality demonstration contests.
Perm Flour Mills JSC has got the highest sector award – “The Best Russian Mill”. The first stage of “Made in Russia” certification was successfully passed at the Russian Export Center in 2019.
The Russian Expert award brings up the status of the company among its rivals and trust to the company among investors, clients and partners.

Factory processes
- up to 1,000 tonnes of grain a dayThe production facilities consist of two sections - for the varietal flour production and a section for the peeled rye flour production. They give the possibility to produce more than 140K tonnes of flour a year. The optimal grinding batch is formed from grain of the best granaries in the country.
The elevator can store 56K tonnes of grain at a time. Through the history of the company the production has grown in more than 4 times due to the introduction of modern technologies. A long-term production development program has been applied.
Planned reconstruction of the equipment is carried out in the main workshops. A photoelectronic separator has been installed at the factory elevator to improve the technology of grain peeling, it was the first one in Russia. The two-sided product inspection technology enables more thorough secondary (control) sorting of the grain material.
High quality products
- is the priority for the company«Bird-Mill» brand products are produced in accordance to the classical technologies using Switzerland factory equipment «Buhler». The packaging is carried out on the «Fawema» assembling line. Delivery to the numerous consumers involves road and railway transportation.
High baking qualities of products made of the Perm’s flour are confirmed with testing. It is held by technologists of the company’s production laboratory using modern equipment.
Perm Flour Mills JSC has been cooperating with an international company NESTLE-RUSSIA Ltd for many years. Regular social audit conducted by NESTLE confirms high level of social and ethical responsibility of the company. It also confirms its systematic approach to the production organization; Russian law and legislation, environmental and nature-conservation compliance.


Our reward
Products manufactured by JSC «Perm flour mill»,
including flour Bird-Mill Trademark,
awarded with high prizes and awards
prestigious industry and international product quality contests
«The best mill in Russia»
The most significant and honorable for Perm flour mills is the award with the highest industry award “The Best Factory in Russia”. The competition is held by the Russian Union of Russian Milling and Groats Enterprises.
The plant was awarded 4 times, including for the introduction of advanced technologies, efficient use of production capacity and the release of high-quality products.
For high quality products
Every two years, the International Industrial Academy holds an All-Russian review of the quality of flour and cereals.
In 2018, premium-grade flour produced by Perm Flour Mill AO was awarded the Grand Prix “For high quality products”.
For high quality products
The whole line of products of the Poultry-Mill TM, including peeled rye flour, was repeatedly awarded the gold medal of the All-Russian Review of the Quality of Flour and Groats.
«100 best goods of Russia»
One of the most prestigious projects in the field of quality in the country is the All-Russian Competition Program "100 Best Products of Russia".
The plant's products have repeatedly become the laureate and diploma of the program.
Taste of quality
In 2018, Perm Perm Flour Mill AO for high achievements in the field of quality and safety of food products received the Taste of Quality prize for products of the Ptitsa-Factory Factory premium baking flour.
The plant received an honorary diploma “GOLDEN HUNDRED” of the All-Russian Program-Competition “100 Best Products of Russia”.
Based on the results of participation, the Perm flour mill has the right to label products with the special sign “100 best goods of Russia”.
«Buy Perm»
In 2018, the “BUY PERM” project reached a new level. Perm flour mill was one of the first enterprises to receive the “Quality Guarantee” mark for the project on high-quality baking flour, peeled rye baking flour ТМ “Bird-Factory”.
The Kama coast has been associated with milling industry for a long time. The first mill in Perm was built in 1912 by the merchant Mitrofanov. Its capacity was small - grinding 500 pounds of rye a day. A second merchant mill appeared next to the first in 1915. It belonged to Kamensky and Meshkov brothers. Its capacity was bigger and reached 1000 pounds of rye grain.

The prewar and war years dramatically changed the proportion of the urban and rural population in the region. Flour production has become an indispensable industry. The Council of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union ordered in a telegram to build a mill with capacity of 150 tonnes of grain per day in Perm. In 1942 a wooden three-story mill was built for producing peeled double-grained flour. It was the one provided the city with flour during the Eastern Front (World War II). Those times it had been already producing rye and wheat flour.

The mill plant building began on the territory of the mill in 1949. On December 20, 1953, the first stage of the elevator and facilities necessary for its operation were commissioned. The elevator had capacity of 12K tonnes. Spirited boys and girls from different parts of the country worked at the construction site.

On 30 June, 1955, another mill with capacity of 300 tonnes of grain per day was commissioned. The day is considered the official date of the Perm Flour Mills opening.

In 1967, the grinding and peeling sections were completely reconstructed. The packaging changed from containers to bags loading to trains. Carousel bagging machines were introduced in the production. In 1985-88, complex equipment was installed. It automized most processes, and fully mechanized the filling, suturing and shipment operations on the production and shipment line. The ‘90s were the most difficult time to the enterprise. In the period of the market relations formation, both in the country and in the industry, centralized grain supplies were cut off, as well as relations with consumers. And rival in the industry took off.

After these difficult years the company still has its staff potential, financial independence and produce competitive, high-quality products. In 2005, the powerful packaging line “Fawema” was launched. During these years, the company installed unique equipment - a photoelectronic separator granulator. A berth for loading grain by water was also built these years.

In 2012, the company decided to create a new brand of flour. There appeared a beautiful and romantic name of the Perm flour - “Bird-Mill”! The slogan for the new brand was born almost immediately:
"Bird Mill" – quality heads the bill!

Today Perm Flour Mills, JSC is the largest enterprise in the milling and cereal industry of the Western Urals producing up to 15 thousand tons of assorted products every month.

Contacts for calls shareholders:

Nevolina Vera Evgenievna

614068, Russia, Perm region, Perm,
ul. Sergey Danshchina, Building 1, Building A, of. 31

+7 (342) 238 -65- 17
Charter of Perm Perm Flour Plant JSC
DownloadThe register holder of Perm Perm Flour Mill JSC is:

Registrar Intraco Joint Stock Company

614045, Russia, Perm Territory, Perm,
ul. Lenin, d.64

+7 (342) 233-01-63
+7 (342) 233-01-64

License No. 10-000-1-00272 dated December 24, 2002
Regulation on the OCA